The Development of Bluetooth and How It Shaped The World As We Know It.
Bluetooth technology was first created in 1994 in an attempt to enable communication and connectivity between multiple electronic devices. At the time, computers, printers, etc. all required numerous wires and connectors that created a difficult time setting everything up- even for experts, let alone the average adult. Surprisingly, Bluetooth was not created by simply one individual or even one company, but rather a consortium made up of the leading companies in the technology industry. Specifically, IBM, Intel, Nokia, and Toshiba were a part of the original group. This union was Ericsson- led and Bluetooth technology is Ericsson trademarked. In 2000, a second group was established, comprising 1371 different companies known as the Bluetooth Special Interest Group or SIG. However, I think the most interesting fact about Bluetooth is where the technology got its name. Bluetooth is named after a Danish King, Harald Blatland- or Bluetooth in English, from the time period AD 908 who was suc...